The South American continent is home to the largest tropical rainforest in the world - The Amazon Rain Forest. 6 countries are part of this enormous maze of natural diversity.
Portuguese, Spanish and English are the three more widely spoken languages in Brazil. These countries are host to many visitors every year and most cities have a very metropolitan grace about them.
High in the Andes the river begins - hundreds of tiny streams trickling down rocks to complete a journey of more than 4,080 miles, flowing down the gentle slope of Brazil's interior out to the Atlantic Ocean.
The combination of nature and culture make discovering the Amazon Basin an unequalled experience. Lodging, Information, Tours, and other fellow travelers make the bustling port of Manaus an excellent introduction to the waterways that crisscross the nation of Brazil. This city is a common starting point for adventurers from all parts of the world who come to discover the Amazon.
Here at Manaus, more 1000 miles from the mouth of its humble beginnings, the Amazon splits in two rivers, the colors of the two rivers side by side are clearly visible. The whitewater side of the river flows from Peru, and the dark waters of Rio Negro (Black River) journey from Venezuela. This dramatic intersection where the rivers come together is known as the Meeting of the Waters.
At Manaus you can explore many options for your Amazon rain forest tours. Adventure/Travel, Eco-Tours, larger riverboat or small boat toursare some of the many options to choose from. Whatever your tastes, every tours highlight is the majesty of the rainforest. The experience is unsurpassed in marine voyages.
A constant cycle of evaporation and rainfall keeps the rainforest cool and regulates the temperature. 70% of all known plant and animal species call the Amazon rainforest home. The Rainforest is home to some well-known Amazon animals such as the Nocturnal Jaguar or the chilling Boa Constrictor. Some lesser-known creatures, also as distinctive share the enormous multi-level tropical environment.
As you glide through the sea of green beneath the canopy you might catch a glimpse of eye catching color - black and iridescent pastel hues, marked against the brilliant green that is the background wash in this exotic watercolor forest painting. This is the Urania Butterfly, a prized butterfly that has fascinated scientists with the iridescent reflection of its wings.
If you see a large colorful parrot eating sand near the banks, it might be a Scarlet Macaw, which eats the clay for its rich salt and mineral content. An Amazon tour or Amazon cruise is the serene way to relax and take in the wonder of the rainforest.
You may wish to add a tour along the Inca Amazon Trail on to your cruise. Or perhaps visit the unique lodging built by the natives of Ecuador, the Achuar. This culture is known to have inhabited the Amazon basin for thousands of year. A stop at Kapawi will add dimension to the incredible experience that is an Amazon River Tour. Whether you include rafting, a city tour, or visits to one of the many hot springs, you could spend weeks along the Amazon River and never learn of all its splendor.
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