Monday, 17 October 2011

Cruise news from the Falkland Islands Tourist Board

Falkland Islands announce positive cruise tourism outlook

The future¹s bright for The Falkland Islands Tourist Board who has just announced its latest tourism forecast for the 2010/11 season.

Tourist arrivals to the British outpost for the current season, which runs from October to April, are expected to reach 67,000, up 32% on 2009 figures, with a predicted spend of £5.3 million.

Also on the rise is arrivals from cruise ships. The Falklands are anticipating a growth of 1.3% in cruise passenger arrivals for the current season (October to April), with  49,011 passengers expected to visit. These statistics dovetail the global upswing in cruising - 1.77 million people are expected to take a cruise next year accordingly to the latest figures released b the Passenger Shipping Association.

A total of 29 ships are scheduled to call at the Falkland Islands this season as an integral part of wider South America or Antarctica itineraries, comprising both expedition vessels and large cruise lines. The Falklands also welcomes four new vessels to its shores this season including Le Boreal and Marina Svetaeva.

³Today¹s cruise passengers are seeking authentic experiences in relatively undiscovered locations. The Falklands offers just this, plus wildlife in abundance and our latest tourism forecast demonstrates the increasing popularity of this destination² commented Paul Trowell, General Manager for the Falkland Islands Tourist Board.

Domestic tourism is also predicted to continue its steady growth at 3% per annum, to reach over 13,500 trips and generate over £1.15 million in expenditure in 2010.

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All statistics taken from the Falklands Forecast produced by Acorn Tourism Consulting Ltd UK.

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